Tag Archives: women health

Diabetes Treatment with Home Remedy, Lower Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

High blood sugar occurs when your body can’t effectively transport sugar from blood into cells.When left unchecked, this can lead to diabetes.One study from 2012 reported that 12–14% of US adults had type 2 diabetes, while 37–38% were classified as pre-diabetic.This means that 50% of all US adults have diabetes or pre-diabetes.Here are 15 easy ways to lower… Read More »

Simple Home Remedy For Anemia Iron Deficiency

Do you feel constantly fatigued? Or has your skin been pale and dull recently? May be rest is not all that you need. Anemia is a condition where your body is low on red blood cells. Healthy red blood cells are the main part of haemoglobin in your blood that binds the oxygen. This simply means that if you… Read More »

UTIs may experience & side effects

UTIs most ordinarily influence the bladder. People with UTIs may experience the accompanying side effects: burning pain when they urinate a continuous need to urinate a serious desire to urinate even following going putrid urine blood in the urine As a rule, anti-microbial treatment rapidly fixes an UTI. Left untreated, the contamination can spread to the kidneys or… Read More »

Heart Attack Treatment, Symptoms, Signs & Solution with Remedies

London: There’s an adage that “blood is thicker than water,” however the blood that is too thick can be a serious clinical issue. Albeit remarkable, there are a few issue that cause thick blood — including those that lead to an anomalous high number of blood cells and conditions that cause hypercoagulation, or excessive blood thickening. These scatters can… Read More »

Four Important Things For Life

“Life is short. Focus on what matters and let go of what doesn’t.” ~Unknown Our most precious commodities are not our smartphones, 3D TVs, brand new cars, or even our big and impressive houses. Our most precious commodities can’t be found at the bank. They can’t be ordered online. The truth is, they are on a very short… Read More »

Face Cream Dr Sharafat Ali

Every Beautician Selling This Skin Whitening.Most Indians are obsessed with fair skin and are usually taught to consider it more beautiful, which is why people end up spending huge amounts of time and effort on skin lightening. These skin whitening tips are not related to only achieving fairer skin; it also encompasses achieving an even tone, glowing skin. So ladies, if… Read More »

1 Day Challenge Skin Whitening At Home & Visible Spotless Bright Skin After 1 Use

Most Indians are obsessed with fair skin and are usually taught to consider it more beautiful, which is why people end up spending huge amounts of time and effort on skin lightening. These skin whitening tips are not related to only achieving fairer skin; it also encompasses achieving an even tone, glowing skin. So ladies, if you are constantly exposed to… Read More »

Yogurt For Skin Whitening Face Beauty Tips

Flawless and radiant skin boosts a person’s confidence. As we age, our body undergoes many hormonal changes which lead to pigmentation, acne and dark spots. Apart from it, external factors like sun, environmental toxins and chemicals lead to discoloration in the skin In order to regain our complexion, we try to depend on quick solutions like skin whitening… Read More »

How To Grow Long And Thicken Hair

Every now and then we look for ways to have shiny long hair. After all, hair is something that can give your face a requisite makeover. According to science, hair grows between 0.3 to 0.5 mm per day, 1 to 1.5 cm a month and 12 to 15 cm a year. Hair also takes credit for being the second fastest growing tissue in the body. But still, we all face one problem or another regarding our hair.… Read More »

Pay attention to the twelve signs of cancer

Women’s bodies are always changing. Sometimes changes that seem normal can be signs of cancer, though.The key is to pay attention to your body so you can notice when something’s different, says Robyn Andersen, PhD, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. “New symptoms indicate something has changed in your body, and you want to know what that means.”So,… Read More »