Tag Archives: woman health tips

Only one cup a day and even the dead alive

In the middle of the Indonesian island of Sulawezi, lost in the green mountains, live a people with very particular funeral customs. The beliefs surrounding the vision of life and death of this ethnic group differ in many ways from our Western traditions. For the Toraja, death is not the end. Death affects only the physical body: it… Read More »

Hidden in Retha Read the full health secret and take Advantage

Several months ago, I moved into a new house. During the inspection of my old house, I was expecting to receive my whole security deposit back. I didn’t. The landlady took advantage of the situation and withheld part of my deposit. She charged me the price of cleaning the whole house even though I was only renting a… Read More »

Try some of our Tips Before Breakfast

For those who eat breakfast regularly, these are words to live by. But what if you skip breakfast? You hear those words and you just feel guilty. You know you should eat, but it’s hard if you’ve been up for hours and your stomach is still sleeping in. You know that breakfast really is important and that the right foods… Read More »


Among the extremely few points that Hitler might contribute, which became popular throughout the world is the hairstyle. Known as undercut hairstyles, Hitler haircut is still among the most flaunted hairstyles for men. Specifically the variety of Hitler youth haircut, which is making the younger generation insane. Although the men Hitler youth haircut has come under severe criticism from… Read More »

How can I improve my sperm health

If you and your partner are planning a pregnancy, you might be wondering about the health of your sperm. Understand the factors that can affect male fertility — then consider steps to help your sperm achieve your goal. Sperm health depends on various factors, including quantity, movement and structure: Quantity. You’re most likely to be fertile if your ejaculate… Read More »

Surprising benefits of watermelon seeds

Summers are around the corner and it’s time to indulge in some amazing seasonal fruits like watermelon, litchis, and mangoes. Well, one of the most loved summer fruit is water melon. In fact, this squashy juicy fruit needs no introduction and is widely available in the market. Water melon is an incredibly hydrating fruit as it contains around… Read More »

Heart Attack Symptoms: What To Do in an Emergency

Do you know the symptoms of a heart attack? This is a life-threatening emergency that requires quick action. Don’t ignore even minor heart attack symptoms. Immediate treatment lessens heart damage and saves lives. Recognizing the Symptoms These vary from person to person. Not all heart attacks begin with the sudden, crushing chest pain that most of us have heard about. In fact, some cause no symptoms… Read More »

Semolina: Nutrition, Benefits, Uses, and Downsides

Semolina is a coarse flour made from durum wheat, a hard type of wheat. When ground into a flour, durum wheat is known as semolina and used all over the world in bread, pasta, and porridge. This flour is darker and more golden in color than all-purpose flour. It has a mild, earthy aroma. Along with its culinary… Read More »

Urinary Tract Infections: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A urinary traction infection (UTI) is a very common type of infection in your urinary system. A UTI can involve any part of your urinary system, including the urethra, ureters, bladder and kidneys. Symptoms typically include needing to urinate often, having pain when urinating and feeling pain in your side or lower back. Most UTIs can be treated… Read More »

What is the best treatment for kidney stones

Kidney stones usually pass on their own without causing any long-term problems. If they don’t, or if you’re in a lot of pain, your doctor can break up or remove the crystals. Your treatment depends on where and how big your stone is and what symptoms you have. First, You Wait If your stone doesn’t bother you, your doctor… Read More »