Tag Archives: woman health tips

Treatment Of Physical And Neurological Impairment

Neurological disorders are doubtless among the most frightening illnesses that human beings face. Other kinds of dysfunction, such as cancer or viruses, are at least easily comprehended, if not so easily dealt with. A malfunctioning pancreas, troublesome though it may be, doesn’t strike to the heart of what it means to be human, and it will basically leave… Read More »

Hair Loss Treatment With Onion Juice

Growing your hair is a task and requires time and patience. With the amount of time your hair takes to grow, and the trims you cannot avoid, it’s hard to resist the urge to give up. I’m not going to lie, growing your hair does require a lot of patience, but it also doesn’t have to be as… Read More »

How to Grow Hair Fast, Stop Hair Loss and Prevent Iron Deficiency Naturally

London: Iron deficiency anemia is caused by a lack of iron in the body, which is often a result of blood loss or pregnancy. It’s important to treat iron deficiency anemia as it can increase the risk of illness and infection, as a lack of iron affects the immune system. It can also increase the risk of developing… Read More »

Dark Spots, Age Spots, Pimples and Acne treatment

Don’t want pigmentation or rashes? Stop indulging in dairy products or sugar, says an expert. Kiran Lohia, medical director of Lumiere Dermatology, New Delhi, suggests what not to eat for healthy skin: No dairy products: Most people believe that “milk does a body good”, but the fact is that it is more harmful than you think. Dairy products… Read More »

Home Remedy For Cold , Hair Loss , White Hair , Hair Weakness , Flu

It can be long and wavy, short and straight, frizzy and unmanageable, or smooth and shiny. Hair comes in many different lengths, styles, colors, and textures. Yet just about everyone — no matter what kind of hair they have — falls prey to at least one hair problem at some point in life.This article covers some of the most common hair dilemmas,… Read More »

The Benefits Of Coconut For Women’s

Coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera).It’s used for its water, milk, oil, and tasty meat.Coconuts have been grown in tropical regions for more than 4,500 years but recently increased in popularity for their flavor, culinary uses, and potential health benefits.Here are 5 health and nutrition benefits of coconut. The raw white meat inside a coconut is… Read More »

Best Herbs That Can Help You Lose Weight

It’s no secret that what you’re putting on your plate plays a central role in weight loss.But what you keep in your spice cabinet may be just as important.Many herbs and spices have been shown to fight cravings and boost fat burning and weight loss.Here are 13 amazing herbs that may help you lose weight. Fenugreek is a common… Read More »

How Do You Get Rid oF A Cavity At Home

Dental cavities, or caries, are tiny holes in the hard surface of the teeth. They are caused by bacteria on the surface of teeth creating acid out of sugar. The most common culprit is a bacterium known as Streptococcus mutans.The bacteria form a sticky film known as plaque. The acids in plaque remove minerals from (demineralize) your enamel —… Read More »

Fenugreek Seeds For Constipation Relief

Indian spices and condiments are widely known for their colour, flavor and medicinal benefits for centuries now. Some of them are used for flavoring while others for garnishing and preserving food. They form an important part of our Indian cuisine and have a plethora of health benefits as well. We always turn to our kitchen for some home… Read More »