Tag Archives: Story

For the sake of the children

So what’s behind the tourism growth? Nobody would dispute that while economic growth in the Eurozone has been sluggish at best, in the UK and USA economic conditions have improved considerably over the past 12-18 months. Suddenly, with at least a little consumer confidence returning, the attractions of the Caribbean as a holiday destination are coming to the… Read More »

Shadi esy bhi hoti hey

The interest for a stay in an ice lodging has never been more noteworthy. The primary lodging made of ice opened in Jukkasjarvi, a Lapland town in the north of Sweden, in1990. The Ice Hotel idea has grasped the world’s creative mind from that point forward.Sweden remains the world’s principle setting for structures made of ice. By investigating… Read More »

The thrilling prospect of a bird

“Now we take ten finger-prints from each person who presents his documents, and the rate charged by the FBI for the processing of these finger-prints does not allow us to do this any more”, the press service explains. “The fee in the amount of 100 dollars for a machine-read visa is less than the real price of processing… Read More »

Importance of Nikah

According to a reliable tradition from Imam Ja’far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), it is stated that keeping a woman dear was the etiquette of the Prophets. He also emphasized that there can be no progress in the faith of any brother momin unless he loves his woman. He also stated that those who love their woman more have more faith.A reliable… Read More »

Qabar Orat Or Gogan

Please give me reference of the hadith which says that in the days of the Prophet (sws), women were initially stopped from visiting the graves because they used to vociferously wail. Once the women had learned to restrain themselves at such places, they were allowed to visit the graveyards.Imam Malik and some Hanafi scholars, and, according to one… Read More »

Ek Alim Badu Full Tehreer

Muzułmanie w niepodległych Indiach – stanowią największą z mniejszości religijnych Indii. To druga co do wielkości  muzułmańska  społeczność świata (po Indonezji). Obejmuje 138 188 240 mieszkańców co stanowi 13,4% ludności Indii. Muzułmanie są większością w Dżammu i Kaszmir oraz na Lakszadiwach. Ponadto wielu z nich mieszka w Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengalu, Asamie i w Kerali. Benares 1997rok, ghat muzułmanów Ślub muzułmański w Indiach Przeważają wśród nich sunnici (80% praktykujących muzułmanów)[2]. Pozostali szyici to przeważnie sufici. Obie wspólnoty współpracują ze… Read More »