Tag Archives: Story

Famous Proverbs Shared From Around the World

Proverbs are usually concise phrases that give advice or state a truism. Proverbs can sound deep and wise, but it is the cultural context of proverbs that lend them meaning. Without context, these proverbs must be interpreted in light of your own personal experience. Proverbs have been part of human culture for thousands of years. Some of those from China, Africa, and… Read More »

The Political Motivations behind Socrates’ Execution

In 399 B.C.E., Socrates was executed by the Athenian court oncharges of impiety and corrupting the youth. The controversial decisionlingers atop the great legacy of Athens, a city praised for its intellectual andpolitical liberty. However, the reasons behind Socrates’ execution are themselves questionable. Firstly, the charge of impiety is a vague accusationwhich would have been unlikely to produce… Read More »