Tag Archives: Story

Deadly Heatwaves: How High Temperatures Effect The Body

From Nice to New Delhi, record-breaking heatwaves have struck multiple countries in recent months, with further high temperatures predicted in the coming days. Such extreme temperature events are predicted to occur more frequently as a result of climate change and can be extremely deadly. In 2010, for instance, a 44-day heatwave in the Russian Federation resulted in 56,000 excess deaths.… Read More »

The Strange Incident Of Ishq Rasool (P.B.U.H)

Ishq-e Majāzi Ishq-e Majāzi (Persian: عشق مجازی) literally means “metaphorical love”. It refers to the love for God’s creation i.e. love of a man for a woman or another man and vice versa. It is said to be generated by beloved person’s external beauty but since it is connected to lust, it is against the law and considered unlawful. Hence, in Faqr, the… Read More »

Hakeem Luqman’s Special Advice For Women

Wisdom is a quality that many seek but may fail to grasp. We often hear stories where the protagonist journeys far and wide just to search for a sage, a holy man or even the occasional fairy godmother to guide them. In Islam, there is an abundance of wisdom in our treasure trove of tradition. The Quran, the… Read More »

Health Secrets Told By Hakeem Luqman

Wisdom is a quality that many seek but may fail to grasp. We often hear stories where the protagonist journeys far and wide just to search for a sage, a holy man or even the occasional fairy godmother to guide them. In Islam, there is an abundance of wisdom in our treasure trove of tradition. The Quran, the… Read More »

The Reality of their Role and Status in the Religious Domain

This article aims to examine how the Sikh women diaspora from two generations exercised their rights within the religious domain in Malaysia. Sikhism has a unique world view of gender ideology; from a gender perspective, God is symbolically described as a husband to all of humanity, whereby all humans, irrespective of gender, are perceived as having the status… Read More »