Tag Archives: health

Lose Weight With These Spices Like Black Pepper And Cardamom

Experts say that the spices used in Indian and Asian food can help speed up the metabolic rate, suppress appetite and even stop fat cells from reappearing after weight loss. They claim a single teaspoon of cumin, eaten every day, can shift three pounds of weight and indulging in a spicy meal made with pepper and chillies has… Read More »

Here’s Why Your Hair Might Be Going Gray In Your 20s

London: Waking up one day and discovering grey hair when you haven’t even hit thirty is a nightmare for many. No need to panic though, here are 11 things experts suggest you need to know about going grey while you’re still young. Your body stops producing melanin: The reason your hair suddenly turns grey is that the cells… Read More »

Iron Deficiency Causes and Treatment

London: Iron deficiency is a global health problem of ‘epidemic proportions, according to the World Health Organization. Not only is it the most common deficiency across the planet, but it is also the most frequent cause of anaemia – which increases the risk of heart failure. Natalie Parletta, a dietitian based at the University of South Australia, says… Read More »

Lose Weight Fast with These 3 Simple and Effective Habits

Islamabad: People looking to shrink their waistlines may want to adopt three simple eating habits to help them get there, new research suggests. The study tracked nearly 60,000 people and discovered that how fast they ate and the timing of their evening meals and snacks appeared to be significant factors in whether they ended up obese or managed… Read More »

Green Tea Does Help You Lose Weight

Lahore: A new study has found that green tea can help with weight loss. The debate has long raged over whether the drink impacts people’s waistlines. But a new study by a team of scientists at Anglia Ruskin University revealed when combined with exercise, green tea does help shed fat. To test their theory, the researchers tested a… Read More »

Why IRON is an important part of your diet and being deficient could be deadly

London: Iron deficiency is a global health problem of ‘epidemic proportions, according to the World Health Organization. Not only is it the most common deficiency across the planet, but it is also the most frequent cause of anaemia – which increases the risk of heart failure. Natalie Parletta, a dietitian based at the University of South Australia, says… Read More »

Suffering From Hair Loss, Always Tired and Grumpy

London: More than a quarter of women are not getting enough iron, putting us at risk of being tired all the time, hair loss, mood swings, and full-blown anemia say, experts. From the explosion of vegan Instagrammers to the spread of meat-free restaurants across the capital, eating less meat or avoiding it altogether is suddenly cooler than cool.… Read More »

What is Arthritis? Symptoms, Causes and Joints Pain Treatment

London: According to Dr. Irfan Masud, a senior consultant and orthopaedic surgeon at Maroof International Hospital Islamabad, “Almost every person suffers from one form of arthritis or another, during their lives.” In the United States, arthritic conditions limit the lives of more than seven million patients, second to heart disease as a cause of occupational disability. Dr. Masud… Read More »

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

VITAMIN B12 is crucial for nerve tissue health, brain function and the production of red blood cells. A deficiency in the nutrient could appear in an unlikely place – your hair. Sourced from various foods, such as haddock, eggs and beef, vitamin B12 is water-soluble. This means it can dissolve in water and travel through the bloodstream. Are you… Read More »

Risk Factors Associated With C Section Delivery

A C-section or Cesarean section is referred to as the surgical delivery of a baby. It involves one incision in the mother’s abdomen and another one in the uterus. The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology conducted a study that suggests that having an early cesarean segment or C-segment, illegal intake of medicines, smoking, and weight… Read More »