Tag Archives: health news

When Should the Baby be taken to the Doctor?

Baby’s Checkup Schedule When does baby need to see the pediatrician, and what should you expect when you get there? Use this cheat sheet to know what’s in store for each of baby’s doctor visits. Even babies who are perfectly healthy go to the doctor a lot. That’s because the first two years are a crucial time in… Read More »

Interesting information about vegetables, fruits and trees

WE’VE ALL HEARD “FACTS” ABOUT FRUIT AND WE KNOW EVERYONE HAS HEARD THE PHRASE “AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTORS AWAY” BUT HOW TRUE ARE THESE FACTS? ARE THEY JUST MYTHS? Fruit is one of the best things we have but how much do you know about them?? The effect they have on us and the way they… Read More »

Cancer is not a Disease but Anesthesia

The objective. The aim is to present the major effects of cancer treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery) that the anaesthesiologist should consider preoperatively, and to review techniques of the analgesic management of the disease. Materials and Methods. To summarize the major challenges that cancer patients present for the anaesthesiologists, a literature review was conducted. Articles presenting evidence or reviewing… Read More »

Health Risks of Overweight & Obesity

People who have obesity, compared to those with a normal or healthy weight, are at increased risk for many serious diseases and health conditions, including the following:1,2,3 All-causes of death (mortality) High blood pressure (Hypertension) High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides (Dyslipidemia) Type 2 diabetes Coronary heart disease Stroke Gallbladder disease Osteoarthritis (a… Read More »

Advantages and disadvantages of fruits

Food is one of the basic needs of the human body to stay alive. Fruits are a vital part of food that provides vitamins, potassium, fiber, folate, calcium, iron and other minerals to our body. If we desire to live healthily and fit we have to append fruits in our daily lives. Fruits are natural and they can… Read More »

Side effects of artificial long lashes

Eyelash extensions are a semipermanent solution for making eyelashes look made up without mascara. When correctly applied by a licensed and trained professional, eyelash extensions are a safe way to enhance the look of natural lashes. When incorrectly applied or with the wrong adhesive, they can cause discomfort, infection, and permanent lash loss. Unlike temporary, false eyelashes, which… Read More »

When you brush your teeth, the water in the basin shuts off

Did you know that although 70 percent of planet Earth is covered with water, only 1 percent of it is available for human consumption?   Our surging population is leaving our lakes, rivers and aquifers struggling to meet this growing demand for fresh water. In fact, water demand is expected to climb 50 percent from 2007 to 2025. What can you do to… Read More »

Best Remedies that are not found in books

Take Care No matter what you’ve heard or how badly you want relief, talk with your doctor or pharmacist before trying any home remedy. This is even more important if you take prescription or over-the-counter medications, because some can affect how drugs work. And keep in mind that many don’t have any research to back them up. Peppermint… Read More »

Phalsa pickle At the request of friends

HYDERABAD: When summer starts singeing this part of the world, you need to hydrate, eat right kinds of foods, and stay out of the sun to avoid heat/sun stroke, which can be deadly. You can also boost your body’s ability to fight heat by consuming phalsa, a small berry-like summer fruit of the tree or shrub Grewia asiatica.… Read More »