Tag Archives: health news

Stretch marks – Symptoms and causes

Stretch marks (striae) are indented streaks that appear on the abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks or other places on the body. They’re common in pregnant women, especially during the last trimester. Stretch marks aren’t painful or harmful, but some people don’t like the way they make their skin look. Stretch marks don’t require treatment. They often fade over time,… Read More »

Excellent oil for dealing with all hair problems

Coconut oil, argan oil, olive oil…the list of healthy oils for your hair goes on, but what exactly do these oils do and what are their differences? With an over-saturation of information, it’s easy to get confused about exactly which are the best hair oils for your specific needs. Read on to learn about our 5 favorite hair… Read More »

Why you must soak lentils before cooking them

Dried beans, peas, and lentils make up a large part of the plant-based diet. They are full of satiating fiber, good-quality protein, and health-promoting phytochemicals. Most people shy away from cooking their own because opening a can seems so much easier, but once you get into the habit, you’ll see that it takes little time and the benefits… Read More »

How to Make Energy drink At Home

Energy drinks are a popular way to replace a morning cup of coffee, perk up in the afternoon, or recharge after a workout. But buying energy drinks regularly can get expensive, and there are many different recipes you can use to make your own drinks at home for a fraction of the price. There are different types of… Read More »

Some pregnant women experience severe nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are common in pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Some pregnant women experience excessive nausea and vomiting. This condition is known as ‘hyperemesis gravidarum’ and often needs hospital treatment. Hyperemesis gravidarum isn’t common but it can be severe. It’s much worse than morning sickness. If you’re being sick all the time and can’t keep food down,… Read More »

What Causes Mouth Ulcers and How to Treat Them

Canker sores Mouth ulcers — also known as canker sores — are normally small, painful lesions that develop in your mouth or at the base of your gums. They can make eating, drinking, and talking uncomfortable. Women, adolescents, and people with a family history of mouth ulcers are at higher risk for developing mouth ulcers. Mouth ulcers aren’t contagious and… Read More »

Although the Weather is Hot

Why Learn to Talk About the Weather in English? Have you ever noticed how people seem to love talking about the weather? Whether they’re standing in the grocery checkout line or meeting new people at a party, the weather is quite the popular conversation starter. Even at more formal occasions, like business meetings or other professional settings, weather is a popular topic… Read More »

This is very important information that everyone needs to know

This piece originally appeared on Quora: What are some of the most important things that we should be informed about in life? When I was growing up, the friends I hung out with were trash talkers. The books I read was trash fiction. I was stupid and followed what each of them said blindly. So I got all my life lessons… Read More »

An Easy Way To Get Rid Of Constipation

Overview Your exercise and eating habits, age, gender, and health status all affect the number of bowel movements you experience in a given day. While there is no set number of bowel movements a person should have, it’s abnormal and possibly dangerous to go three or fewer times per week. Often, constipation causes bowel movements that are not only infrequent,… Read More »

Dried Fruits That Can Treat Everyday Ailments

Dried fruit is as healthy as its fresh equivalent and can help combat cancer, metabolic disease, and heart problems, researchers have found. They are also a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Dr. Daniel Gallaher, of the University of Minnesota, said: ‘Dried fruits are great sources of total and soluble fiber in the diet. Countries including the UK… Read More »