Tag Archives: health news

Cancer ‘Quranic Word For Hepatitis

Complementary alternative medicine (CAM) covers many types of treatments and procedures that are usually not included in conventional medicine and are used in addition to physician-prescribed drugs to “complement” treatment. Although liver disease is prevalent in Saudi Arabia, not much is known about CAM use among Saudi liver disease patients. Thus, this study aimed to assess the prevalence… Read More »

The Anatomy and Physiology of Pain

Pain is a subjective experience with two complementary aspects: one is a localized sensation in a particular body part; the other is an unpleasant quality of varying severity commonly associated with behaviors directed at relieving or terminating the experience.Pain has much in common with other sensory modalities (National Academy of Sciences, 1985). First, there are specific pain receptors.… Read More »

The main reason for not having children

1. Economics: Children are expensive. As of August 2013, the average cost for a middle class family to raise one child for 18 years is $304,480. Giving birth can cost between $3,296 and $37,227. Sending a child to college costs between $8,893 to $22,203 per year, per child. I’ll go make myself a stiff drink; those numbers make… Read More »

If you want to sleep peaceful sleep must…

If you want to sleep peaceful sleep must drink this 7 Natural drink .Having wrinkles is natural and part of aging, however, they may also reveal certain health conditions unknown to you.Compiled by Reader´s Digest, below are five signs you may have a medical problem based on the appearance of your wrinkles.Greater risk of heart disease Deep forehead wrinkles… Read More »

Frequent Urination in Men and Women

Gotta go all the time? The technical name for your problem is frequent urination. In most people the bladder is able to store urine until it is convenient to go to the toilet, typically four to eight times a day. Needing to go more than eight times a day or waking up in the night to go to the bathroom could… Read More »

Egg Zardi And Milk For Sugar Patient

Carbohydrates take the form of lactose in milk. Lactose is a natural sugar that provides energy to the body. An 8-ounce (oz) serving of milk contains 12 grams (g) of carbohydrates. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends individualizing carbohydrate content at meals to obtain healthy blood sugar levels. Checking your blood sugar before and after meals can help you identify to… Read More »

What do facial wrinkles say about your health?

Having wrinkles is natural and part of aging, however, they may also reveal certain health conditions unknown to you.Compiled by Reader´s Digest, below are five signs you may have a medical problem based on the appearance of your wrinkles.Greater risk of heart disease Deep forehead wrinkles can point to atherosclerosis, which is a disease of plaque hardening arteries that… Read More »