Tag Archives: health news

You Can Never Get Pregnant Naturally”The Doctor Replied to the Young Girl

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Almost half of women who said they’d been struggling to get pregnant for at least a year ended up having a baby despite not getting fertility treatment, in a new study from Australia. That success rate was only slightly lower than in women who also reported trouble conceiving and opted for treatment with… Read More »

Homemade Tips For Every Man And Woman

We know what you’re thinking….”I’m a dude, I don’t need beauty tips.” The truth is if you care about the health of your skin, your hair and your body (which you should!), then you need to have a bit of a beauty regimen. With these simple beauty tips for men, you’ll be able to keep your body happy… Read More »

Some Habits That can Cause You Discomfort

How’s your back feeling? If it hurts, you’re not alone—nearly half of all working Americans experience back pain each year. And though some opt for medication or surgery to get rid of back pain, that’s not always the right mode of treatment—and some drugs might cause you more trouble. “For lower back pain especially, narcotic pain medications are almost… Read More »

Most people are worried about gaining weight

Americans are nearly as worried about gaining weight between now and the end of the year (53%) as they are about not being able to see family for the holidays (54%) 40 million Americans who are trying to lose weight would give up social media for the rest of the year if it meant losing 10 pounds۔ The… Read More »

Tea For Hair Growth | Stop Hair Fall Naturally

Referred to as ‘crowning glory’, tresses are a direct expression of an individual’s personality and style. Excessive hair loss can be a troublesome problem, often causing worry and affecting self-esteem, especially for women. However, if diagnosed right, you can control hair fall with certain home remedies that are natural and effective in saving your locks. Causes of Hair Loss2. Tips For Controlling Hair… Read More »

Desi Weight loss drink home remedies

Never before had the judging panel unanimously decided to each invest millions of dollars into a potential company.After buying a staggering 25% share in the sisters’ company, the Shark Tank panel have personally mentored the pair, helping them undergo re-branding and re-packing of their miracle product. Touting their discovery as “the greatest step forward in weight-loss history,” the judges were… Read More »

Some of the things that pregnant women have to listen to for nine months

When I first told my parents the news of my pregnancy, my mom pulled out her pregnancy notebook from 1989. We looked over notes from her doctor’s appointments, memories of who she told first, and even old ultrasound pictures of me in the womb. In that moment, I decided to keep track of my own pregnancy the same… Read More »