Tag Archives: health news

Some Doctor’s Instructions for Women

When it comes to sexual and reproductive health, it can be hard to know what’s “normal” and what may be a sign of a potential health problem. Even if you feel embarrassed about certain issues, your gynecologist has seen and heard it all and is there to help you, not to pass judgment.Here are seven things you should… Read More »

What’s Written on the Bottom of the Plastic bottle you Use?

At the bottom of most plastic containers you can find a small number inside the three arrow triangle recycling symbol.This number is a reference to what type of plastic the container is made of. Each plastic is composed of a different molecule or set of molecules. Different molecules do not mix when plastics are recycled, it is like… Read More »

Pregnancy Complications | Maternal and Infant Health

Pregnancy Complications Complications of pregnancy are health problems that occur during pregnancy. They can involve the mother’s health, the baby’s health, or both. Some women have health problems that arise during pregnancy, and other women have health problems before they become pregnant that could lead to complications. It is very important for women to receive health care before and during… Read More »

Best Information for Women’s About Baby Birth

In spite of technology and medical science’s ability to manage complex health problems, the current maternity care environment has increased risks for healthy women and their babies. It comes as a surprise to most women that standard maternity care does not reflect best scientific evidence. In this column, evidence-based maternity care practices are discussed with an emphasis on… Read More »

Challenges For Maternal Health Efforts ! Series 2

In spite of impressive declines in childhood mortality during the first half of the century, the infant mortality rate of the United States occupies an increasingly unfavorable place among those of nations whose over-all economic development is comparable during the past decade. The United States maternal and childhood mortality rates of the less-privileged segments of society occupy an… Read More »

Challenges For Maternal Health Efforts

In spite of impressive declines in childhood mortality during the first half of the century, the infant mortality rate of the United States occupies an increasingly unfavorable place among those of nations whose over-all economic development is comparable during the past decade. The United States maternal and childhood mortality rates of the less-privileged segments of society occupy an… Read More »

Treatment Of Poison with Poison

If the person has no symptoms but has taken a potentially dangerous poison, you should also call a poison control center or go to the nearest emergency department for an evaluation.Poison is anything that kills or injures through its chemical actions.Most poisons are swallowed (ingested). The word poison comes from the Latin word – potare – meaning to drink. But… Read More »

Reasons for not Getting Pregnant

So, you’ve been trying to get pregnant for awhile, but nothing is happening. Why are you not getting pregnant? There are many possible reasons, including ovulation irregularities, structural problems in the reproductive system, low sperm count, or an underlying medical problem. While infertility can have symptoms like irregular periods or severe menstrual cramps, the truth is that most causes of infertility are silent. Male infertility rarely has… Read More »

Diabetes Disappears In Three Days

As a growing middle class worldwide consumes more sugar, meat, soda, and other processed foods, the number of people suffering from the obesity-related disease type-2 diabetes has quadrupled in the last 40 years, to some 400 million people worldwide. The disease, in which the body doesn’t produce or process insulin properly, has been considered chronic and incurable, a condition that only gets worse with age—so efforts… Read More »