Tag Archives: entertainment
Where Are Muslim Women Going
Praise be to Allah. Islam came to protect women and their honour, and prescribed rulings that take care of that. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): And stay in your houses [Al-Ahzaab 33:33] Based on this, the general principle is that women should stay at home and not go out except for essential reasons or cases of need.… Read More »
If You Don’t Enjoy Reading, You Are Doing It Wrong
I adore books and the act of reading. So when I signed on to Medium and saw a section called ‘Reading’, I hurried on over and was disappointed by some of the articles I saw there. In particular treating reading as something to be achieved as opposed to enjoyed and techniques to condense the whole reading experience. Articles… Read More »
Dr Zakir Naik Introduction
In the last 28 years Dr Zakir Naik has delivered over 2,500 public talks in the USA, Canada, UK, Italy, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Egypt, Yemen, South Africa, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Gambia, Algeria, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, China, Japan, South Korea, Guyana, Trinidad, Mauritius,… Read More »
Eight Spiritual Observations Based on Reality
When I was in college, I wanted to find ultimate truth, if there was such a thing. I suspected it was not in religion as I knew it—not a modernist’s neat and tidy formula. And I suspected it was not in a postmodernist’s notion that everything we know and believe results from our culture and environment. I believed… Read More »
Does Doing Tasbih (Zikr And Azkar) Change Destiny
There is a Muslim website that says dua can’t change destiny (qadr) and other sites says dua can change destiny. What does this website says? I watched a youtube video that says Allah WILL with guarantee grant your wish because he is shy and pitiful to humans. But if the dua is harmful like I wish I had dogs for pets, the… Read More »
You Are Sitting In A Party And You Get a Call
Phone calls are meant to be made standing up! I can’t emphasize this enough. People who speak with passion and energy close more sales. People who speak with passion and energy have a higher level of sales motivation. Gee, they go together. Not difficult, but amazing how it gets lost in translation somewhere along the way. Recently, I was… Read More »
Virtues of Surah Rahman:
What are the virtues of Surah Ar Rahman? Today we will learn about surah number 55 in the holy Quran, surah Ar Rahman, and its many virtues and benefits. What are the benefits of reading Surah? The name of the surah comes from Allah’s name, the merciful. Surah Rahman talks about the many blessings that Allah gave to… Read More »
An Arab youth says: In those days when I was living in Holland
A TV addict with bleached hair who adores Maggie Thatcher and prefers kebabs to hamburgers, Geert Wilders has got nothing against Muslims. He just hates Islam. Or so he says. ‘Islam is not a religion, it’s an ideology,’ says Wilders, a lanky Roman Catholic right-winger, ‘the ideology of a retarded culture.’ The Dutch politician, who sees himself as heir to… Read More »
A Rat Lived In A Farmer’s House
A few months ago, while attending the 95th session of the Hampton University Minister’s Conference, I heard my most favorite preacher of all times, the Rev. Dr. Claudette Copeland use a brilliant illustration that got me thinking about systems thinking, networks and collaboration. I will surely integrate this illustration into my consulting and training practice, and recount it herewith for your enjoyment… Read More »