Tag Archives: entertainment

Boost Male Fertility and Increase Sperm Count

Infertility is a growing problem worldwide.It affects about one in every six couples, and researchers estimate about one in every three cases is due to fertility problems in the male partner alone.While infertility is not always treatable, it can sometimes be improved with a healthy diet, supplements and other lifestyle strategies.This article lists some of the main lifestyle… Read More »

Daily Habits of People with Flawless &Wrinkles Free Skin

It’s a new year, which means you have the perfect excuse to adopt some new skin-care habits that will help you enjoy that flawless, smooth look you crave. After all, it’s not that expensive serum or once-a-quarter facial treatment that makes or breaks your appearance-it’s the everyday routine. If yours is rushed, stressed, and fueled by fast food… Read More »

Medicine for White Discharge And Itching

Vaginal discharge serves an important housekeeping function in the female reproductive system. Fluid made by glands inside the vagina and cervix carries away dead cells and bacteria. This keeps the vagina clean and helps prevent infection.Most of the time,vaginal discharge is perfectly normal. The amount can vary, as can odor and color (which can range from clear to a milky white-ish), depending on… Read More »

When you wake up in the morning, read this noun 30 times

Hollywood star and two-time Academy Award nominee Mark Wahlberg revealed this week that he wakes at 2:30am daily, launching into a regimen that includes a 90-minute workout, golf, prayer and recovering in a “cryo-chamber”. By 7:30 that night, he’s in bed. He’s not the only high-profile early-riser. Apple CEO Tim Cook reportedly gets up at 3:45am, and Disney boss Bob Iger… Read More »

How to Get Rid of Infrequent Periods

A menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of a period to the first day of the next. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but this can vary from woman to woman, and month to month.Your periods are still considered regular if they come every 24 to 38 days.Your periods are considered irregular if the time… Read More »

Look Younger Naturally with This Anti-aging Homemade Drink

Does it makes sense to spend a fortune on these products, or should one embrace aging and age gracefully? Dr. Amber Usman, a cosmetologist, and dermatologist say that over-the-counter cosmetic products are not very useful since the manufacturers are not allowed to use beyond a certain percentage of medication in their formulation. She says that cosmeceutical products (a… Read More »

Hair Loss Treatment With Onion Juice

Growing your hair is a task and requires time and patience. With the amount of time your hair takes to grow, and the trims you cannot avoid, it’s hard to resist the urge to give up. I’m not going to lie, growing your hair does require a lot of patience, but it also doesn’t have to be as… Read More »