Tag Archives: entertainment

Can water be obtained after eating cucumber and watermelon?

It is the season of watermelons. The sweet delight has filled the carts of all fruit sellers in town, and we couldn’t be happier. Apart from being an extremely hydrating fruit, watermelons pack a number of health benefits. Shilpa Arora, Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner, shares, ‘Watermelons contain lycopene, potassium and a lot of other nutrients. It has… Read More »

Hemorrhoids: Causes, Treatments And prevention

Although hemorrhoids can be unpleasant and painful, they are easily treated and very preventable. As hemorrhoids generally get worse over time, doctors suggest that they should be treated as soon as they appear.In the majority of cases, simple measures will alleviate symptoms while hemorrhoids get better without treatment. However, medicines and even surgery may sometimes be needed. Symptoms… Read More »

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Permanently At Home

Wrinkles, also known as rhytides, are folds in your skin. As you age, your skin produces less of the proteins collagen and elastin. This makes your skin thinner and less resistant to damage. Environmental exposure, dehydration, and toxins can all make your face more likely to develop pronounced wrinkles. Wrinkles are a natural part of getting older, and… Read More »

Hormonal Imbalances, Heavy Periods and Back Pain Causes and Treatment

Heavy menstrual bleeding – referred to as menorrhagia (pronounced men-or-ray-Jah) by the medical profession – affects a significant proportion of women. Menorrhagia can have several potential causes including fibroids (non-cancerous growths in the womb muscle) and hormonal imbalance.Any woman suffering from menorrhagia should see their doctor so that appropriate investigations can be done. As you case demonstrates, however,… Read More »

The Wisest Man In The World

King Solomon is credited with a lot.   He knew everything, he could turn lead into gold, conjure demons and become invisible. Jamaicans even credit him with discovering marijuana.  If you know the Captain Marvel comic book superhero, the keyword he uses to change from Billy Batson to Captian Marvel is an acronym, SHAZAM – the S stands… Read More »

This is my servant

Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit on him, and he shall show judgment to the Gentiles.Behold. This prophecy is expressly referred to the Messiah by the Targumist, who renders, ‘Behold my servant the Messiah,’ etc. ha avdi mesheecha; and it was amply fulfilled… Read More »

Mard Ki Nazar Aurat Ki Chati Has

It is an arduous task to read the entire article, here are my two cents on some issues raised. On the lawfulness of Sea Animals, dead or alive, there is a clear quranic injunction that they are halaal.The other issue is about prohibition of blood. This too has been qualified by quran as the ‘flowing blood’. In both… Read More »

Get Rid of Dark Spots, Age Spots and Wrinkles with Homemade Natural Mask

Even when wearing high amounts of SPF, after sitting in the sun for prolonged periods of time, we often find a few new spots on our faces. And while these little brown spots (results of sun damage) may not bother us now, we know that they only get worse with age. We did some research on how to… Read More »