Tag Archives: entertainment

The difference between a graduate nation and a skilled nation

Global mega trends such as the rising role of technology, climate change, demographic shifts, urbanization, and the globalization of value chains are changing the nature of work and skills demands. To succeed in the 21st century labor market, one needs a comprehensive skill set composed of:  Cognitive skills, which encompass the ability to understand complex ideas, adapt effectively… Read More »

Applications for the Speech Impaired

Speech impairment affects people in the way they create sounds to form words. Some of the most common forms of impairment are stuttering, apraxia, and dysarthria. Affected people are not able to say what they want to say even though they are fully aware of what they need. This becomes a major problem for most people as they… Read More »

How Security Clearances Work

People often ask the question: “How do I get a security clearance? Or how can my business get one?” My first response is market yourself. There’s nothing you can do about getting a clearance until somebody sees value in your product or your service and sponsors the business for a security clearance. Value is simply someone who has… Read More »

4 Security Tools Cleared Defense Contractors Need

Cleared defense contractors provide the technology and know-how that delivers products and services to our defense industry. CDCs and be a prime contractor or subcontractor and are contracted to support government organizations. The designation of CDC indicates that the organization is a government contractor with a facility clearance and is made up of employees with personnel security clearances.… Read More »