Tag Archives: entertainment

Urdu translation of an instructive Arabic story

With the development of the printing press in the 19th century, the Arabic short story (Arabic القصة القصيرة) first appeared in 1870 in daily newspapers and weekly magazines, perhaps because it is compact enough to be published and can be read without much expense . By the end of the 19th century, Egyptian, Lebanese and Syrian newspapers and magazines increased the publication of short stories and… Read More »

The Benefits Of Yogurt And Buttermilk

Buttermilk is a fermented dairy product. Most modern buttermilk is cultured, meaning that beneficial bacteria have been added to it. It’s different from traditional buttermilk, which is rarely found in Western countries today. This article refers to cultured buttermilk simply as buttermilk. This dairy product is most often used in baking. For example, it’s a common ingredient in… Read More »

Grapefruit | Description Cultivation, & Facts

grapefruit, (Citrus ×paradisi), also called pomelo, citrus tree of the Rutaceae family and its edible fruit. The grapefruit probably originated in Barbados as a hybrid of shaddock (Citrus grandis). It became well established as a fruit for home consumption in the islands of the West Indies before its culture spread to the American mainland. Grapefruit has become popular as breakfast fruit in various parts of the world, and production has expanded to… Read More »