Tag Archives: desi totkay

Get jet Black Hair At Home Naturally

Wondering how I dyed my hair with henna without any hints of red? Read all about it here! I haven’t dyed my hair in over 10 years. I’ve actually just dyed it a couple of times ever, not including my high school adventures with Sun-In, of course  . I’ve always liked my natural hair color just fine and been weary of… Read More »

Rash on Hands and Feet

Rashes are earmarked by a change in the color and texture of your skin. They may have blisters, and they may itch or hurt. Rashes that break out on your hands and feet have a wide range of underlying causes.We’ll explore some of the common conditions that cause rashes to occur on the hands and feet. We’ll also… Read More »

Brain & Eyesight Sharp Home Remedies

your five detects, your eyes are the most significant, since they permit you to explore on the planet. Sadly, because of misalignment of your visual focal points, you might be tormented with different eye issue that may make you lose your 20/20 vision. The most widely recognized eye issue are nearsightedness, hypermetric visual perception, and astigmatism. Fortunately these… Read More »

Get Rid of Tooth Decay and Have Whitening Teeth at Home

Changes in the color of your teeth may be subtle and happen gradually. Some yellow color may be inevitable.Teeth can look more yellow or darken especially as you age. As the outer enamel wears away, the yellowy dentin underneath becomes more visible. Dentin is the second layer of calcified tissue beneath the outside enamel layer. If you’re looking… Read More »

Get Rid of Joints Pain, Arthritis

Arthritis is a group of conditions involving damage or inflammation to joints of the body. It is very painful as joints move body parts connected by bones and inflammation can limit mobility by causing swelling, pain, and heat. Uncontrolled inflammation can also lead to increased levels of C-reactive protein, an independent risk factor for heart disease. There are… Read More »

Dr. Bilquis Told Girls To Lose Weight

Never before had the judging panel unanimously decided to each invest millions of dollars into a potential company.After buying a staggering 25% share in the sisters’ company, the Shark Tank panel have personally mentored the pair, helping them undergo re-branding and re-packing of their miracle product. Touting their discovery as “the greatest step forward in weight-loss history,” the judges were… Read More »

Instant Treatment of stomach Problems

Everyone experiences an upset stomach and indigestion, or dyspepsia, from time to time after eating or drinking. The condition is usually no cause for concern, and it is often possible to treat the symptoms using home remedies. Common symptoms of an upset stomach and indigestion include: heartburn, or acid reflux nausea bloating gas belching, sometimes bringing up bitter or foul-tasting fluid or food… Read More »

How to Treat All Type Weakness and Anemia Deficiency

Anemia occurs when you have a decreased level of hemoglobin in your red blood cells (RBCs). Hemoglobin is the protein in your RBCs that is responsible for carrying oxygen to your tissues.Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia, and it occurs when your body doesn’t have enough of the mineral iron. Your body needs iron to… Read More »