Tag Archives: desi totkay

Which Foods To Eat And Which Not To Eat

Quitting smoking could be seen as an act of nurturing yourself, of stepping up and taking finally taking care of yourself. Equally smoking could be seen as a destructive behaviour, it is certainly a long slow way to harm yourself, with a guarantee thrown in. I wonder if you have ever thought of smoking in such black and… Read More »

Hemorrhoids (Piles) Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention

What are hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are swollen, enlarged veins that form inside and outside the anus and rectum. They can be painful, uncomfortable and cause rectal bleeding. Hemorrhoids are also called piles. We’re all born with hemorrhoids, but at baseline, they don’t bother us. It’s only when they become swollen and enlarged that they produce irritating symptoms. How common… Read More »

Bano Qudsia Says About Children

Bano Qudsia (Urdu: بانو قدسیہ‎‎; 28 November 1928 – 4 February 2017), also known as Bano Aapa,was a Pakistani novelist, playwright and spiritualist. She wrote literature in Urdu, producing novels, dramas plays and short stories.Qudsia is best recognized for her novel Raja Gidh.Qudsia also wrote for television and stage in both Urdu and Punjabi languages. Her play Aadhi Baat has been called “a classic play”.Bano Qudsia died in Lahore… Read More »

Here Are The Defense Tips

With the world moving online, the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies revamped the process for thesis defense announcements and thesis submission, and students and thesis committees quickly moved to an online defense process. Defenses are moving forward as while our scholars are maintaining the social distancing recommended by the Centers for Disease Control. Newly minted doctor Anna… Read More »

The Best Recipe For Increasing Height

Your teeth are very hard but very much alive. They need to be well-nourished like other parts of your body, like your skin and muscles. The choice of good nutritious food is also important as well as staying away from foods that can cause cavities. Although there is no substitute for brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, choosing… Read More »

Weird Facts You’ll Have Trouble Believing Are True

There’s a reason people say that truth is stranger than fiction. Between impressive inventions and natural oddities, the world can be a pretty incredible place. Just when you think you’re too jaded and you know it all, people and things can surprise you in delightful ways. Wondering how long it would take to drive to space? Or where a quarter of the… Read More »

Do This Daily To Make Life Easier

Over the past decade, I’ve been taking steps to simplify and make life easier—and this morning, as I scribbled a gratitude list in my journal, I realised just how far I’ve come.  Even when I have a lot on my plate, life runs pretty smoothly now. It’s like I’ve sanded down most of the rough edges and now… Read More »