Tag Archives: desi totkay

How Can I Relieve Constipation Quickly?

Extremely common and frustrating, constipation can affect anyone. It is estimated that about 20% of the people suffer through the silent problem. Often caused by constant lifestyle changes and the binge eating that sometimes follow, there are also times that people suffer from chronic constipation which has no particular cause associated with it but has people clutching the… Read More »

A Large Company Organized A Lake Trip For Its Workers

How many employees do your supervisors manage? Has your organization considered the effects of what narrow or wide supervisory and managerial spans of control mean for your employees and the levels of support and empowerment they receive on-the-job? Have you considered how your decisions regarding the number of levels of reporting in your organization and given to your supervisors and… Read More »

The Mother Of An Eight Year Old Died The Father Remarried

This article highlights the deficiencies in the laws relating to the custody of children in Pakistan. It argues that deficiencies in the Guardians and Wards Act 1890 allow the courts to exercise wide discretion, thereby leading to contradictory judgments. After separation between parents, custody is the major issue affecting the children’s well being. Pakistan, however, lacks detailed laws… Read More »

10 Secrets to a Happy, Healthy Life

In school, we learned the fable of the grasshopper and the ant. While the ant put away food for winter, the grasshopper lived only for the moment. In the end, the grasshopper didn’t fare too well. We can think about taking care of our bodies as we age the same way. To live our best lives as we… Read More »

Grandma Barb’s Homemade Cough Syrup

Some natural remedies may help to relieve a cough. However, it is important to remember that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) do not monitor herbs and supplements, so people who use them may be at risk of using low-quality products and impurities. People who want to use natural remedies to treat their cough should research sources… Read More »

Surprising Disadvantages Of Petroleum Jelly Used Constantly In The Cold

What is petroleum jelly made of? Petroleum jelly (also called petrolatum) is a mixture of mineral oils and waxes, which form a semisolid jelly-like substance. This product hasn’t changed much since Robert Augustus Chesebrough discovered it in 1859. Chesebrough noticed that oil workers would use a gooey jelly to heal their wounds and burns. He eventually packaged this… Read More »

English Professor At A University In The United States

Professors in the United States commonly occupy any of several positions of teaching and research within a college or university In the U.S., the word “professor” informally refers collectively to the academic ranks of assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. This usage differs from the predominant usage of the word professor internationally, where the unqualified word professor only refers to “full professors.” The majority of university lecturers and… Read More »

Important Announcement Be Careful In Polio Vaccine

CDC recommends that children get polio vaccine to protect against polio, or poliomyelitis. Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) is the only polio vaccine that has been given in the United States since 2000. IPV is given by shot in the leg or arm, depending on the patient’s age. Oral polio vaccine (OPV) is used in other countries. CDC recommends… Read More »

Dark Spots On The Skin: Causes, Treatments, And Remedies

Dark spots on the skin, or hyperpigmentation, occur when some areas of the skin produce more melanin than usual. Melanin gives the eyes, skin, and hair their color. Dark spots on the skin are not a cause for concern and do not need treatment, though people may choose to remove them for cosmetic reasons. Depending on the cause,… Read More »