Tag Archives: desi totkay

Steve Jobs, the owner of the world’s largest company, Apple, was a billionaire

Steve Jobs co-founded Apple Computers at the age of 21, selling computers at an accessible, consumer-friendly price. While he was a notoriously tough leader, Jobs always emphasized the importance of teamwork. Jobs’ innovative products changed the way people, businesses and the world operate. This article is for entrepreneurs looking for inspiration from Steve Jobs’ legacy to start or… Read More »

If you can spend hours aimlessly on social media, you might as well learn modern skills

If you think of social media as the sole province of vacation selfies and muffin recipes, the idea of using it for genuine professional development may seem absurd. But there are plenty of ways you can use social media to build professional skills, knowledge, and relationships, without getting overwhelmed. To get real learning value out of social media,… Read More »