Tag Archives: desi totkay

A man slaughtered a chicken and came to the chicken seller

Poultry is derived from the skeletal muscles of various birds and is a good source of protein, fat, and vitamins and minerals in the diet. Classification of birds Birds bred for poultry production are generally grown for a particular amount of time or until they reach a specific weight. Rock Cornish hens, narrowly defined, are a hybrid cross specifically bred to produce small roasters;… Read More »

Denial of Ramadan

About one in five people on this planet are Muslim, and most of them soon will be preparing for a month of fasting. The terminology for fasting in Islamic doctrine is “sawm.” For Muslims it means to abstain from eating, drinking and engaging in sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset. The only requirements for fasting in Ramadan are that one… Read More »

The incident took place in Egypt

Dinshaway Incident, Dinshaway also spelled Denshawai or Dinshwai, confrontation in 1906 between residents of the Egyptian village of Dinshaway (Dinshawāy) and British officers during the occupation of Egypt by Great Britain (1882–1952). Harsh exemplary punishments dealt to a number of villagers in the wake of the incident sparked an outcry among many Egyptians and helped galvanize Egyptian nationalist sentiment against British occupation. In June 1906 a group of British officers agitated… Read More »

Research was being done at a university

Following our reveal of the world’s top medical schools in 2021 – part of the QS World University Rankings by Subject – we have taken a look at recent research activity at universities around the world, to see which institutions are at the forefront of the global research effort into COVID-19.  Using data compiled in collaboration with our research partners Elsevier Scopus, we… Read More »

Don’t do this when you visit a government office

The safety and security of U.S. citizens overseas is one of our top priorities. To keep you informed, we provide security updates on travel.state.gov and embassy and consulate websites, and send out Alerts when you enroll in our free Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). The actions we take depend on the nature of the crisis. In some instances, we may provide information… Read More »