Tag Archives: desi totkay

A Very Instructive Article

Prior to learning to perform certain job-related tasks or to sell a product solution, students need to learn specific knowledge about the tasks and perhaps the features and benefits of the product solution. Traditionally, in many training programs this knowledge transfer occurs in the classroom through the time honored instructional method called “lecture”. Lectures are typically delivered by… Read More »

We call wife in Urdu, three words have been used for it in the Holy Quran

Many contemporary debates about “women’s status in Islam” hinge on a few key topics: the veil, polygamy, and a few Qur’anic verses that are seen to prescribe female subordination—to men in general and husbands in particular. The most important of these verses occurs in Surat al-Nisa’ (“Women”), the fourth chapter of the Qur’an. This essay will discuss verse… Read More »