Tag Archives: desi totkay

What are some good Make A Wish ideas

Patients with terminal illnesses often find meaning by crossing off items from their bucket lists. And they may even reap health benefits. Children with life-threatening diseases who had their wishes fulfilled had lower depression and anxiety levels, and focused less on their physical limitations, according to a small study of Israeli children published last year in the journal Quality of Life Research.… Read More »

It is a Remedy for many Ailments, the Benefits of Which are as Follows

What are herbal supplements? Products made from botanicals, or plants, that are used to treat diseases or to maintain health are called herbal products, botanical products, or phytomedicines. A product made from plants and used solely for internal use is called an herbal supplement. Many prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines are also made from plant products, but these products contain only… Read More »