Tag Archives: desi totkay

There was a time when there was such a search at the airport of America

TSA incorporates unpredictable security measures, both seen and unseen, to accomplish our transportation security mission. Security measures begin long before you arrive at the airport. TSA works closely with the intelligence and law enforcement communities to share information. Additional security measures are in place from the time you get to the airport until you get to your destination.… Read More »

Petroleum Jelly: Uses, Benefits, Dangers, and More

Petroleum jelly has been used for years to help with skin moisturizing and healing. However, some types could contain carcinogenic ingredients. For safety, only buy triple-distilled products like Vaseline. What is petroleum jelly made of? Petroleum jelly (also called petrolatum) is a mixture of mineral oils and waxes, which form a semisolid jelly-like substance. This product hasn’t changed… Read More »

Obesity And Overweight

What are obesity and overweightOverweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. Body mass index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify overweight and obesity in adults. It is defined as a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of his height in meters… Read More »

The Story of a Turkish Conqueror is Famous

Mehmed II, (born March 30, 1432, Adrianople, Thrace, Ottoman Empire—died May 3, 1481, Hunkârçayırı, near Maltepe, near Constantinople), Ottoman sultan from 1444 to 1446 and from 1451 to 1481. A great military leader, he captured Constantinople and conquered the territories in Anatolia and the Balkans that constituted the Ottoman Empire’s heartland for the next four centuries. Mehmed was the fourth son of Murad II by Hümâ Hâtûn, an enslaved girl in Murad’s harem.… Read More »