Tag Archives: desi totkay

10 Benefits Of Using Orange Peel Powder For Skin

Fruits are known to be great for your skin. They can be consumed or used topically. One such fruit is orange. Even its peel is extremely beneficial for your skin. You can easily convert it into a powder and incorporate it into your skincare regimen. Orange peel powder contains antioxidants and vitamin C. Using orange peel powder for skin can… Read More »

Pakistan Is Facing Economic Problems

The Pakistani economic crisis since 2022 is an ongoing economic crisis and part of 2022 political unrest in Pakistan. It has caused severe economic challenges for months due to which food, gas and oil prices have risen. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused fuel prices to rise worldwide. Excessive external borrowings by the country over the years raised the spectre of default, causing the currency to… Read More »

One Time It Was Announced That All The People

ASWAN, Egypt, July 8 (Xinhua) — On a brief boat voyage in the Nile River in Upper Egypt’s tourist city of Aswan, an island called Agilkia appears in the distance, where fortress-like walls surrounding ancient large pylons and columns of a number of temples form the magnificent Philae temple complex. What’s more astonishing than the breathtaking view is… Read More »

Our Teeth Are A Great Favor Of Allah Almighty To Us

Islam is a complete way of life and therefore teaches us good manners too. Cleanliness in Islam is given a lot of importance according to a famous Hadith which says, “Purification is half of faith.” (Muslim). It not only teaches us personal hygiene, but also cleanliness of our houses and neighborhoods. Allah has indeed created man in the… Read More »