Tag Archives: desi totkay

If you want to beat Australia, just follow this plan

It was Confucius who opined that “success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure”. Individuals and sporting teams have been successful by accident, but sustainable success is achieved through meticulous planning, preparation and execution. The last time Pakistan won a Test Down Under was in late 1995 when nearly half of… Read More »

Herbs and Spices in Cancer Prevention and Treatment

Historically, spices have shaped many events throughout the world. Many voyagers, including the legendary Christopher Columbus, explored the seas in search of treasured spices. These valued commodities contribute not only flavors but also serve as colorants and preservatives in a wide variety of cultures. Today, spices are increasingly revered not only for their culinary properties but also for… Read More »

Which religion people will be admitted to heaven

There appear to be five major categories regarding how to get to heaven in the world’s religions. Most believe that hard work and wisdom will lead to ultimate fulfillment, whether that is unity with god (Hinduism, Buddhism, and Baha’i) or freedom and independence (Scientology, Jainism). Others, like Unitarianism and Wicca, teach the afterlife is whatever you want it… Read More »

Why the Nile River Was So Important to Ancient Egypt

From nourishing agricultural soil to serving as a transportation route, the Nile was vital to ancient Egypt’s civilization. When the Greek historian Herodotus wrote that the ancient Egyptians’ land was “given them by the river,” he was referring to the Nile, whose waters were essential to the rise of one of the world’s earliest great civilizations. The Nile, which flows northward… Read More »