Tag Archives: desi totkay

Beware of Elephants in Ramadan

In the following verses of Surah Al-Baqarah an important tenet of Islamic faith is established: “The Holy Qur’an is the Word of Allah Almighty and has been revealed unto His servant Muhammad, peace be upon him. Moreover, the truthfulness and inimitability of Al-Qur’an al-Karim, as being the Word of Allah, cannot be challenged”. The Qur’anic  challenge to the Makkan pagans and to… Read More »

Governor Najamuddin Ayub refused to marry until he was old Enough

Governor Najmuddin Ayub refused to marry until he was old enough. One day his brother Asaduddin Sher Koh told him. “Brother! Why don’t you marry?” Najmuddin replied. “I don’t think anyone is worthy of me.” Assadin said this. “I want a relationship for you?” “Whose?” “Malik Shah bin Sultan Mohammad bin Malik Shah, daughter of Saljuqi or daughter… Read More »

Namaz or Bagh

Muslim Bagh (Urdu: مسلم باغ‎) is a town of Killa Saifullah District in the Balochistan province of Pakistan. According to Census of 1998, the population of Muslim Bagh is 70,361 (Male 37,303 and Female 33,058) and 10,188 households.Muslim Bagh was formerly called Hindu Bagh, which is believed to have originated in a garden that was planted here by a Hindu saint in ages past. Later… Read More »

Ramadan Fasting: What to Eat During Sahur

Easy ways to make Ramadan meals healthier and last longer! ​During meal times in Ramadan, Muslim families will typically gather round to enjoy a rich spread. After all, there is no better way to mark the start or end of fasting than with your favourite savoury foods. Or is there?​ “When deciding what to eat during Ramadan, remember that Iftar and Suhoor help sustain… Read More »

Roza – Fasting, The Fourth Pillar Of Islam

Over the past few years, before the Islamic holy month of Ramadan/Ramzan begins, a debate erupts (largely in the English-language media) about the difference between Ramzan, the Urdu spelling of the period, and Ramadan, its Arabic spelling. Writers with no linguistic training have claimed without any evidence that using the “Ramadan” spelling is a sign of “Islamic radicalism”… Read More »