People ask me all the time “Why doesn’t my kid eat?” Most of you know how frustrating meal time can be when you try something new, or worse, when you serve something they’ve eaten before and then refuse to eat! Most kids will do this occasionally, but for some, it is a way of life. So, what gives?
There is value in doing some detective work because getting to the root of the problem will then give you the tools to help them eat more food, more consistently. In my experience, as a licensed occupational therapist and with my specialized feeding education, I believe there are 5 different reasons kids refuse to eat.
Well, a variety of factors can contribute and the reasons can evolve over time.Well, actually there are A LOT of reasons, but most of them tend to fall into one of these categories.
At the same time, it is common for several of these underlying issues to affect a child’s ability to eat well at the same time.
Keeping that in mind, let me a explain in some more detail.Affiliate links used below. See our full disclosure.