In a bustling city, a destitute man, day after day, would scribble a plea on a piece of paper, fervently praying, “Oh my Creator, please send me a hundred thousand rupees.” He would tie this note to a kite and release it into the sky. As the kite soared, the dust it raised caught the attention of the officers stationed above the police station.
The Police’s Puzzling Discovery
Curious, the officers captured the kite and deciphered the man’s heartfelt prayer. Moved by his plight, they decided to come together and gather a significant sum of fifty thousand rupees to deliver to the man’s humble abode. The next day, when the officers spotted the kite again, they were taken aback by the message it carried. It read, “Oh Lord of the Worlds, you have received the money, but it was not meant for the police. Half of the amount has been devoured by the thieves.”
The Unfolding Mystery
A perplexing situation arose when the same message was repeated on subsequent kites. Confounded, the officers sought to capture the culprit responsible for this enigma. Upon capturing the kite, they were astounded to find another note that read, “Oh Lord of the Worlds, you have received the money, but it was not meant for the police. Half of the amount has been devoured by the thieves.”
A Series of Revelations
Perplexed by the recurring notes, the officers intensified their efforts and finally apprehended a suspect. To their surprise, the culprit turned out to be an elephant. Upon investigation, it was revealed that the elephant had accidentally swallowed the money sent for the destitute man. With this realization, the officers were left baffled but impressed by the chain of events that unfolded before them.