Your personal statement needs to create a strong impression for your university application. It’s your opportunity to say why you want to study your chosen course, and what skills, experiences and qualifications you have that will make you a successful student.
A member of the Admissions team will read your personal statement and use it as part of the process to decide who they can offer a place to.
What to include
We are looking for you to explain why you have chosen your course of study and demonstrate a real understanding of what studying the course will involve.
You should include:
- why you are applying for the course – show your enthusiasm
- how your current skills, experience and qualifications will help your application
- relevant engagement with your chosen degree subject, such as work experience (if you have it) or extracurricular activities
- details of anything relevant you plan to do before starting your degree
If you’re applying to Bath, your personal statement should focus on your enthusiasm, experience and suitability for the course.
When thinking about your relevant studies, skills and experiences, don’t forget to mention any relevant work experience, extracurricular activities or further reading. Remember that universities will see details of your qualifications so there’s no need to list them in your personal statement.