A magical and instantly amal to get your wishes fulfilled Insha ALLAH. All you need is have a Halal earnings, food and your activities should not be Haram. Watch video of Dua for Any Wish Hajat to Come True in this post.
Islamic Prayer to Fulfill Any Wish Hajat
A very Powerful Dua for Any Wish Hajat. Whoever wants to fulfill his desire. Which should obviously be legitimate and lawful.
Overview of Dua for Any Wish to Come True
In this perishable world, there are millions of people who have their own millions of wishes. Wishes mean so much for them. Some need money, some need the home, some need to ease their financial hardships and some want to overcome the hurdles in their day-to-day affairs.
Amal for Any Type of Wish/Desire to Come True in English
This wazifa works like fire for any Hajat. No matter what your Hajat is, the condition is that it must be valid, Insha ALLAH it will happen. Everyday:

- Durood Shareef 11 times. You can read Durood-e-Ibraheemi.
- “ALLAHus Samad” 1000 times. It is the second Ayat of Surah Ikhlas.
- Again Durood-e-Shareef 11 times
- Send the Savab/hasana to the Prophet (Sallallaho alayhe wa Aale hi Wasallam). Sending savab means when you make dua, ask ALLAH to convey the savab to Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhe Wasallam of whatever you have recited. Also, if you did any mistake in this ask ALLAH to forgive that.
- Make a dua for your Hajat. See Ruqyah Sharia to Cure Witchcraft here.