There’s a difference between living and being alive and you’d be surprised at how many people are just breathing through existence, like human plants. Many are in fact touted as models of society — The oilers of economic engines, earning scrap paper working jobs they don’t care about and buying shit they don’t need.
Rinse . Cycle . Repeat.
Rise and shine, today is another shitty day!
As a species that thrives on collectivism, we are conditioned to follow rules designed for us to be domesticated docile meat bags. Even in the western world where individualism is championed, there’re still limits to personal expression. In short… the bigger picture trumps personal agendas.
People breathing through life, or “Breathers” lack personal direction in life. They could be super successful and have life’s indicators of success: McMansions, wonderful families, lotsa dough and expensive vacations to overcrowded sardine deathtraps. They pursue lives society tells them is the ultimate ideal.
“Breathers” are not confined to any particular social group nor is it a permanent state of being. Everyone at some point is a “Breather”. It could be the times you were lost for direction, stayed in a job for the sake of the money, or your ambitions crashed so spectacularly you lost all hope. It’s living simply for the sake of living without meaning. Some people zone in and out of this state, but for some unfortunate souls, it will be the way they live till kingdom come.
![Someone once asked me what is that which is not alive but breathes](