50 ways to give? Really? Will it work, will it make me happier? Research has been clear. Giving makes you happy. You don’t have to be Bill Gates and give away a fortune to find your personal happiness. You just have to give in small ways that will ignite the part of your brain that makes you feel good. If there was a happiness pill it would be filled with all these giving ideas to keep you happy every day.
1. Pick up garbage in your neighbourhood for the planet and your community.
2. Skip buying a plastic water bottle. Refill a reusable bottle. Every minute 1500 plastic bottles pollute our planet.
3. Buy the next person in line a coffee at your favourite coffee house.
4. Write a note of gratitude to a person you that has impacted your life.
5. Sign a petition on a subject you feel passionate about and use your voice to create change. Search these online petitions for something you care about.