Do you wonder if your little one is eating enough, sleeping enough, and on track for all those important milestones? Check out these easy-to-spot signs that prove Baby is both happy and healthy.
Even if you fear you don’t know the first thing about newborns, after a few weeks with your own little darling, you start to hear a difference between his hungry and tired cries. You know how he prefers to be rocked and burped. You grow more confident about your parenting skills. If it weren’t for the exhaustion and the hormonal overload, you’d feel like you have everything under control.
But all it takes is a small, paranoid thought — Is my baby eating enough? Is all this crying unusual? — and you can easily fall into a spiral of anxious concern. You seek out friends and ask, “Does he look okay to you?” They say yes, but still, you can’t help but worry.
So you Google a million things and read comforting, vague phrases: “Healthy babies exhibit a wide range of behaviors, appearances, and temperaments.”
Question is, how do you know that your baby is happy and developing normally? To help reassure you, we’ve assembled a list of indicators to watch for that prove an infant is doing just fine.
Relax, will you?