Moringa oleifera (synonym: Moringa pterygosperma) is a species of genus Moringa and family Moringacae. It is found in many countries all over the world and native of subtropical areas like Pakistan and India. It is known because of its nutritious and its seed oil, also called Ben oil. It is a tree having average height of 8 m. In Pakistan its common name is ‘Sohanjana‘ or ‘Sanjana’ and found frequently in southern Punjab and it is also considered the origin of Moringa plant.
Moringa in Pakistan and Its Importance
Recent studies shows that this plant have ability to grow in any type of soil and can resist very harsh climates i.e., temperate and tropical. In England and USA there are a lot of herbal products and medicines related to moringa plant, But in Pakistan there is very less work on it but I already told that It has its origin in Pakistan,
so most favorable climate for Moringa is in Pakistan.It is also discovered through research that all part of Moringa tree can be used to cure a large number of diseases naturally. It is very rich in ‘Ca, Mg & Zn’ and zeatin (a cytokinin), other cytokinin and auxins which are natural hormones are found in excess quantities in this plant
We can easily propagate it by both methods i.e., asexual or sexual propagation. There is a lot of research work being done methods to manipulate Moringa oleifera, but there are still many aspects hidden in this plant. All students, professors and researchers are invited to work on it and feel free to ask my help, it would be pleasure for me.