Rulings On Taraweeh Prayers For Women

By | April 6, 2023

 It is said that any health problem or pain suffered by a Muslim will ensure his forgiveness. Does this apply to non-Muslims as well?

(Name and address withheld)

A.1. The local imam is wrong in what he said. The Prophet says: “Do not prevent women servants of God to frequent God’s mosques.” There is perfectly no restriction on women praying in mosques. You only have to look at how they are always present in the two sacred mosques in Makkah and Madinah to realize that there is no special restriction on their visiting mosques. However, because of women’s role at home and in society, and the fact that they are often taking care of young children or elderly people, God has not made obligatory for them to attend congregational prayers. If they do attend, they are welcome and earn the increased reward in the same way as men.

A.2. The Prophet tells us that whenever a believer suffers any complaint, God rewards him or her with forgiveness of some of their sins. This applies even to a prick of a thorn. It is part of the favors God grants to His faithful servants.

It is due to the fact that a believer accepts any adversity, trusting that it is from God and he or she has no complaint, because they realize that God’s blessings far outweigh the adversity we suffer, whatever it may happen to be. People who do not believe in God will not have such an attitude. Hence, they are treated differently. This is a matter God determines in His absolute justice.

Rulings On Taraweeh Prayers For Women