A best friend is a gift in life, but sisters share an unmatched bond. Even when the world seems like it’s working against you, your sister is always there for you to fall back on. She’s watched you grow up, been the primary witness to your awkward stage, and been there for all your triumphs.
Here are the top 35 reasons your sister hits the top of your best friends list:
- She’s someone you can confide in about family matters. She already understands and knows the pain.
- She’ll be there no matter what—even if the two of you were just in a fight yesterday.
- She’s known you longer than anyone else.
- She doesn’t judge you because she knows what you’ve been through.
- You don’t have to try to make her understand where you’re coming from, she just knows.
- If she’s older, she can walk you through her mistakes so you don’t have to make them as well.
- If she’s younger, she’ll most likely look up to you, so you’ll have a cheerleader in all your endeavors.
- She’s there when you need support.
- She’s there when you think you don’t need support (but she knows that you do).
- She’ll tell you the truth when you are about to commit a fashion sin.
- She knows when you need advice and when you just need someone to listen.
- You don’t have to brief her on your family’s strange idiosyncrasies.
- The inside jokes with your sister are always the best.
- You probably won’t have to worry about her going after your boyfriend (and she’ll probably tell off any other supposed “friend” of yours who does).
- She knows all of the songs you secretly like but don’t tell anyone about, so it’s completely acceptable to turn it up and belt it out in the car with her.

- She can instantly tell when something is wrong, even if you’ve only communicated by text.
- You don’t mind if she borrows your clothes. You know where to go to get them back.
- She’s the one you go to when you are having trouble with your other friends.
- She doesn’t care how many times you’ve both seen The Notebook. She’ll watch it again with you.
- She’s been there through every breakup.