We have a rare magical Blue Moon coming on Halloween October 31, 2020! Grandmother Moon will deliver her wisdom and guiding light. It will be in the sign of Taurus so it’s definitely a time of action. Not necessarily physical action, but spiritual action.
Halloween is often associated with Full Moons and spooky spirits, but it’s not often that a full moon actually happens on the holiday. How rare is this Blue Full Moon? A Halloween full Moon hadn’t appeared for everyone in all time zones since 1944!
This Full Moon is not about witchcraft or ghosts, but its here to help you advance in your personal and spiritual life. I am going to help you to understand why in this article/video.
Halloween 2020 is going to be one for the history (and astrology) books! Not only will we experience the annual “Hunters Moon” on October 1, but we’ll also be treated to a spiritual sky on Halloween night.
A full moon on Halloween only happens once in a blue moon-every 18 to 19 years, to be exact. For this reason, when a full moon lands on October 31, Halloween spiritual and astrology lovers near and far get pretty excited. When you look at the Full Moon on Halloween night, it won’t appear blue in color but you’ll be looking at something pretty uncommon. This, of course, means that Halloween 2020 is about to be one of the best Halloweens to date.

I consider Halloween to be a very special time of year because of the opportunity to connect with the spirit world. I’m not talking about connecting with deceased loved ones. I’m talking about connecting to all that is holy and mighty. I treat it as a sacred time and always do something for myself and others on this night. No, I do not dress up in costumes or attend gatherings. Instead I go within and see what beautiful messages are going to be given to me and for the benefit of others.