Rabbit and game meat (91/495/EEC and 92/45/EEC)
Control mechanisms applied using the principles of HACCP are also not incorporated in these directives.
Rabbit meat must be obtained in establishments that fulfil the general conditions of the poultrymeat directive with the source animals being similarly checked for their health status.
The requirements for cutting, handling, storing, transporting and supplying rabbit meat are also related to poultrymeat provisions. Similar provisions are applicable to farmed game birds,
whereas red meat directive controls form the basis for the control of farmed game meat obtained from cloven-hoofed wild land mammals.Wild game must be killed for human consumption
in a hunting area that is not subject to restrictions resulting from animal health considerations or from the presence of contaminants found in the environment.
The controls are less stringent than for farmed animals, although adequate opportunities should be available for appropriate hygiene checks to be performed,
The killed game must be prepared in accordance with this directive, and processed under specified conditions into meat in special approved premises,
or as appropriate in red meat or poultrymeat approved premises. It must then be handled, stored and transported hygienically, much as under the appropriate (red meat or poultrymeat) directives.
Wild game meat is prohibited from use for human consumption where the animal was diseased or suffered changes during killing that make its meat dangerous to human health or it is otherwise unfit for the purpose.