Powerful Wazifa For Dua Acceptance

By | February 6, 2020

As Salamu ‘Alaykum!! my dear elders, sisters, and brothers! Hope you have read the title of this post- ‘How to get your prayers answered by ALLAH Subhanahu Wata ‘Ala’. Every Muslim is keen to get his du’a accepted by ALLAH Ta’ala. Accepting your dua depends on your connection with ALLAH Jalla Jalaaluhoo. How often you pray? how often have you made ALLAH happy? If you have a great degree of love of ALLAH for you.

Your duas will definitely be accepted, Insha ALLAH. Should you make a dua in a very gentle and generous manner?What degree of love is necessary for the servant to enable him to be totally obedient to ALLAH.

Obviously, it is natural and permissible to have a love for the material things of this perishable world. Love for material things like love for parents, for children, business, physical objects (gadgets).

What degree of love is necessary for the servant to enable him to be totally obedient to ALLAH. Obviously, it is natural and permissible to have a love for the material things of this perishable world. Love for material things like love for parents, for children, business, physical objects (gadgets).

This is due to the description made by ALLAH in the following Chapter #100, Surah Al-‘Aadiyat, Verse #8, Juz #30