is a good deed. But, they should be the true followers.
In other words, the moral upbringing and quality of training that you provide to the children is more important than their number. In verse 28 of Surah Al-Anfal, Allah says:
“Know that your wealth and your children are but a trial and that Allah Almighty has with Him a great reward (for you).”
Anyhow, desire for children is a rightful desire. Generally, people have a strong desire to have babies. But, sometimes, they are unable to have them. So, they opt to go for various types of medical treatments. If you have been undergoing different treatments for a baby but all in vain, there is the option to read the Wazifa for Aulad.

The Wazifa for Aulad can be performed in different ways. The first option is to read the beautiful names of Allah after the prayers. Secondly, there are verses and Surahs of
Holy Quran which you should recite on regular basis. For instance, if you recite “Ya Khaliq” a hundred times along with Darood Sharif after every prayer, Allah willing, you will get a baby.