I start by defining ‘ MCKS pranic psychotherapy’. It is a method which is based on pranic healing techniques of scanning, cleansing, energizing, shielding, and releasing. These techniques are based on the principles of transmissible of energy from practitioner to client, on receptivity of client to receiving the healing prana, and on the shielding of the chakras and aura from penetration by negative thought entities and elemental.
Nowadays, most people are grappling with various emotional and mental issues like stress and anxiety to severe psychological disorders like depression, phobias and addictions. Pranic Psychotherapy is a revolution in treating psychological ailments as it introduces practical explanations and techniques to remove the negative thoughts and emotions from our system, thereby improving our health.
Psychological ailments are basically the result of the accumulation of negative thoughts, emotions and traumatic experiences, which are lodged in the Auras and Chakras. Releasing such energies normally requires months or years of traditional psychotherapy consultation sessions,
while with Pranic Psychotherapy techniques you can safely and quickly remove them from your system as well as others. The result will be peaceful emotions, harmonizing relationships, positive thinking patterns and good self-esteem.
Pranic Psychotherapy offers you the ability to quickly and safely release negative thoughts and emotions like fear, anger and resentment that may be limiting you from your greater potential. This course bridges the gap between the mind, physical body and the human energy system, providing new dimensions to traditional psycho therapeutic measures and practices.