This Fruits and vegetables sector strategy is part of the National Priority Sectors Export
Strategy (NPSES) initiative which contributes to the implementation of Pakistan’s Strategic
Trade Policy Framework (STPF) 2020-2025.
ITC is the joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations. As part of the
ITC mandate of fostering sustainable development through increased trade opportunities, the
Trade Development Strategies Programme offers a suite of trade-related strategy solutions to
maximize the development payoffs from trade. ITC-facilitated trade development strategies
and roadmaps are oriented to the trade objectives of a country or region and can be tailored
to high-level economic goals, specific development targets or particular sectors. This document was developed on the basis of the process, methodology and technical assistance of
the International Trade Centre (ITC) within the framework of its Trade Development Strategy
This document has been developed as part of the Revenue Mobilisation, Investment and Trade
project (ReMIT) funded by the Government of the United Kingdom and implemented by ITC.
The views expressed herein do not reflect the official opinion of ITC. Mention of firms, products
and product brands does not imply the endorsement of ITC.
This document has been produced with the financial support of the Foreign, Commonwealth &
Development Office. The contents of this document can in no way be taken to reflect the views
of the Government of the United Kingdom.