Women Is Not The Children Creating Machine

I was recently watching a Kathleen Lights’ “Trying To Like…Be a Mom For a Day” video and immediately I found inspiration to discuss this topic. I usually don’t click on these types of videos, but I found it an interesting premise since it’s widely known that Kathleen has always openly spoken about not having children.  Towards the end… Read More »

Is pork forbidden in Islam

The recent floodings in 2018 which have brought a natural catastrophical disaster in Pakistan, have led to me think, rethink and shed some light of the fact that..”Are we under azaab” ?I am compelled to think that is it the kind of azab that Allah(SWT) imposed upon qaum-e-Nooh(AS) because of their shirk.While I was reading the details about… Read More »

Dahi Dunya Bhar Main Khai Jany Wali Wo Soghat Hai Jo Draz Umar Ke Liay

Not everything that ails you will send you running to the doctor. Here are some do-it-yourself remedies for a few common afflictions. In the case of supplements, however, we strongly advise you to consult with your doctor or pharmacist.Are your mornings marred by the discovery of new pimples? Then try these home remedies and zap those zits.Anxious? If you… Read More »

Wazifa For Loan

commodations are always as you expect. No one wants to choose a hotel room, get inside and realize that the bedding is not quite up to par and the room looks like it has just barely been cleaned since the last guest. Chain hotels must keep their rooms and bedding clean and up to par, because they are… Read More »