Taramira Oil Benefits

Taramira Oil or Jamba oil is seed oil, squeezed from the seeds of the arugula (Eruca sativa). Since the plant is exceptionally dry spell safe, the oil is well known in locales of poor precipitation, especially in West Asia, Pakistan and Northern India. In Hindi, it is known as Taramira otherwise its general name is Eruca sativa which is… Read More »

Pumpkin is a remedy for anxiety, panic, sadness

Anxiety is a widespread condition, affecting millions of people globally. Symptoms vary, and some people experience them only now and then. However, someone who experiences symptoms for 6 months or longer may have generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). GAD has psychological and physical symptoms such as: Doctors often treat GAD with a combination of treatments, including talk therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and… Read More »

Governor Najmuddin Ayub refused to marry until he was old enough

Governor Najmuddin Ayub refused to marry until he was old enough. One day his brother Asaduddin Sher Koh told him. “Brother! Why don’t you marry?” Najmuddin replied. “I don’t think anyone is worthy of me.” Assadin said this. “I want a relationship for you?” “Whose?” “Malik Shah bin Sultan Mohammad bin Malik Shah, daughter of Saljuqi or daughter… Read More »