What Are The Three Types Of Sajdah

In the universe of Islamic worship, sujood (or prostration) stands out as a unique pillar, embodying the essence of a Muslim’s devotion and connection to the Divine. Through sujood, a believer finds a sacred moment of introspection, humility, and serenity. In today’s exploration, we will uncover the intricacies of the dua between sujood, delve into the various types… Read More »

Must Read And Share The Tutorial

Reading tutoring isn’t just for those who need help building basic reading skills. A good reading tutor will help your student to master new sight words, decipher new vocabulary using context, and establish strategies to improve reading comprehension and analysis. Reading tutoring also helps students gain confidence and become more motivated to read. Over time, the benefits of… Read More »

Pakistan is the first and only Islamic country to become a nuclear power

This research paper analyses the political and strategic considerations that prevent the US government from taking over Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal despite its misgivings about Islamabad’s policies and the real risk that those atomic weapons may at some point come under the control of terrorists. The American National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction is likely to remain… Read More »