Our spending raises my brother

By | September 18, 2019

Brothers: can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em, am I right? I actually don’t have any blood-related brothers, just one younger sister, and yet, I’m still a brother. Not a “raised in the same home with the same parents” kind of brother, more of a “brother from another mother.” More specifically, a Brother of Alpha Phi Omega, JMU’s only coed service fraternity. Family is one of the most important aspects of life.

Blood certainly runs thicker than water, especially for me. I found my family in APO, and even though we aren’t born with the same DNA, being a brother in this fraternity has become one of the greatest things in my life,

and one of the most important things that I am. Over the last semester, APO has become more than something I “do.” It has become what I am. Before being accepted into this organization,

I wasn’t sure where my home was at school. Well, I mean, I knew where my classes were and where my apartment was: my bed, my room, my stuff; but it wasn’t a home — it was just a place I lived….

Our spending raises my brother In Urdu