So, you had a big fight with your spouse. Maybe it was a three-hour screaming match; maybe it was a 20-minute heated discussion. Maybe it was some combination of the two. Things were said. Anger erupted. Feelings were hurt. It happens. The steps you take to reconnect after a big fight is what’s most important.
Arguments happen. Big ones. Little ones. It’s completely normal and healthy. Agreeing on everything isn’t possible. And a marriage without arguments — big or small — is a marriage without productivity. Arguing shows that there’s work to do in a relationship and that both partners are, in their way, working toward a larger goal, like attempting to understand each other and how to do better.
That said, what you do after a big fight is as important as what you do — and don’t do — during a fight. It’s easy to float around in the aftermath of an argument and just wait for things to become normal again. Understanding when someone needs time or space is essential. But acting like nothing happened is the wrong approach. It’s important to take action so that you both can, eventually, get things back to normal.
So, what can be done? Here, in no particular order, are 33 small, nice things to do after a fight.