Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) never wished for anything, but one day, he desired to eat fish and expressed this to his servant, Yarka.
Yarka was your most loyal servant. One day, you said, “Yarka, today I feel like eating fish.
But the issue is that we’ll have to travel eight miles to get the fish, and then another eight miles to return after getting the fish.
Then Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “Let it be. It doesn’t feel right to put myself through so much trouble just for a small desire. Going eight miles and then returning eight miles just for my fish alone doesn’t seem appropriate. Let it be, Yarka. If we could get fish nearby, it would be a different matter.
The servant says, “I have been your servant for many years, but you never expressed any desire. However, today when you expressed a desire, I thought to myself, how could I not fulfill it? Hazrat Umar Farooq has expressed a desire to eat fish for the first time, and how could I not fulfill it?”
The servant says, “When Hazrat Umar went to offer the Zuhr prayer, I knew that he had some guests with him who would stay there until Asr time.”
The servant says, “I offered prayers behind Hazrat Umar and then performed the two rak’at Sunnah prayer. After that, I came out of the mosque and mounted a horse, which was an Arab breed horse, and rode until I reached the river.”

Upon reaching there, I bought a fresh fish and returned before the Asr prayer of Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him). I tied the horse in the shade so that any sweat on it would dry, and Hazrat Umar Farooq wouldn’t notice anything.
The servant says that although the sweat of the horse had dried, dust and dirt had accumulated on it due to the sweat, which was clearly visible, indicating that the horse had gone on a journey. Then I quickly took the horse to the well and washed it hastily, brought it back, and tied it in the shade.